For over a decade, Lou has been practicing herbal medicine, holistic health and massage therapy.

They specialize in mental health, chronic fatigue, headaches and migraines and endocrine imbalances but works with clients on a range of concerns.

They are passionate about helping clients connect dots, demystify the workings of their bodies, notice patterns and advocate for their personal definition of well-being.

Training and Education

Cranial Sacral Foundations Certificate

Manual Lymph Drainage for the Intact Lymphatic System Certificate

Somatic Skills for the Herbal Practitioner with Kelly McCarthy

The Three Wells: Somatic & Herbal Training on Celtic Energetic System with Well Deep Remedies & BodyWitchery

Ungovernable Bodies with Sophie Macklin

Herbal and Somatic Support for Anxiety, Depression, and PTSD with Kelly McCarthy

Licensed Massage Therapist with Pittsburgh School of Massage Therapy 

Advanced Clinical Mentorship with Ember Peters, Stascha Stahl, and Vilde Chaya

Herbal Practitioner Skills Intensive with Blue Otter School of Herbal Medicine

Herbaculture Internship with Herb Pharm

Abortion Doula Training with Colorado Doula Project 

Energetics in the Western Herbal Tradition: Elements, Humours and Temperaments with jim mcdonald 

2-Year Certificate in Community Herbalism and Mental Health with Shelley Torgove

Beyond these comprehensive programs & workshops they have attended many conferences, classes, and lectures in addition to being immersed in self-study and inquiry for over a decade.


Herbalists Without Borders, Member

American Herbalist Guild, Associate Member

American Massage Therapy Association, Member

Lineage & Acknowledgements

Herbalists and practitioners I have the privilege of learning from: Stascha Stahl, Ember Peters, Aviva Romm, Janet Kent, 7Song, Sophie Macklin, Vadi Arzu, Christine Buckley, Liz Migliorelli, Vilde Chaya Fenster-Ehrlich, Kelly McCarthy, Shelley Torgove, Brunem Warshaw, Karyn Sanders, Sarah Holmes, Amanda David, Mandana Boushee, Larken Bunce, Jim McDonald and others.

A great deal of my framework comes from transformative healing and disability justice, antiracist feminism, abolitionism and Black, Indigenous and Queer visionaries, practitioners and organizers. Immense gratitude to Robin Wall Kimmerer, adrienne maree brown, Audre Lorde, bell hooks, Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, Brene Brown, Mia Mingus, Sonya Renee Taylor, Resmaa Menakem, Bessel van der Kolk and others whom inform my work. Reading list

My practice is informed by my lived experience as a chronically ill, neurodivergent, non-binary, queer person with passing priviledge. I have practiced relationship anarchy and non-monogamy for over a decade. DIY ethos, mutual aid and small press culture are foundational to my work.

Indebtedness to the original stewards of the lands in which I have studied and called home ꩜ Calusa, Seminole, Arapahoe, Ute, Tohono O’doham, Takelma, Osage, and Shawnee tribes. May your life ways, sovereignty and land be uplifted and restored.

My ancestral practices are rooted in my Greek, Celtic, Western Slavic and Anglo-Saxon lineages
